Rooms & Suites

Stay Relaxed and Connected in our Hotel
Prism Hotel is committed to provide all our guests with essential amenities and a premier level of service. The hotel offers a vast range of services to make your stay more comfortable and convenient, whether you are visiting on a business or leisure trip. Take in the best of Prism Hotel as you access our intimate boutique experience and escape to an ensemble of some of the finest amenities. Complimentary wireless internet access, and business amenities to stay on top of your projects or enjoy wellness and relaxation with our in-room massage, garden, outdoor swimming pool, and jacuzzi. While in Angeles/Clark, travelers experience our signature Colors of Life. Whatever you decide, you’ll find personalized attention at every turn as well as unforgettable experiences you’ll keep wanting to come back to.

Services and Amenities Include:
• 24/7 Services: Front Desk /Concierge, Room Massage, Hotel Shuttle, & Snack bar
• Complimentary: Internet Access, Parking, Wake-up call, & Daily Housekeeping
• Copy Service/Document/Photo Printing
• Express Laundry Service
• Outdoor Swimming Pool and Jacuzzi
• Daily Breakfast - Espressa Cafe

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transfer reservations,
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